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WAY too Fresh Sushi in Japan! The Fish That Was Still Moving…

“AGHHH!!!!” I screamed, throwing myself underneath the low restaurant table, “IT’S STILL ALIVE!!!”

Sure enough, the sparkling silver fish atop our fresh sushi platter was mouthing “Oooga Oooga Oooga” at us, despite having all its flesh from the neck downward sliced off in a bloody mess and sitting four inches to its left.


Yuki with the still-moving fish.
Yuki with the still-moving fish.

The other four folks at the table were more nonchalant. Yuki and her co-worker are Japanese, and thus perhaps used to these extremes of freshness. Mike has been living here seven years, and reports that on his first work dinner, his shrimp jumped off the plate and ran away. Dee is just a connoisseur of the strange; he had originally suggested we order the raw horsemeat.

One by one the others chomped down the silky fish flesh (myself, I was suddenly full), at times remarking to fishy, “I’m eating you, little guy!” At last the mouth stopped its bubble blowing and we said a prayer for the dead fish. And ate it some more.

Me, shocked at the moving sushi.
Me, shocked at the moving sushi.

“JESUS!” Yuki suddenly shouted. “After 3 days he rises from the dead!” Holy heaven, she was not kidding. We followed her finger pointing towards the plate and, indeed, fishy’s fins were suddenly a-twitch! “Twitch, twitch, twitch!” they flipped, swimming with this bone-exposed, sliced up body towards marine heaven.


Deni dressing up the fish with a shrimp crown.
Deni dressing up the fish with a shrimp crown.

Dee has always had an issue with organized religion, as he claims the Catholic Church made his father a bank robber. Without a second thought, he picked up the spastic little guy and plopped him upright in a glass. In just thirty minutes, fishy gained a crown, cape, scepter, necklace, and throne.

Thank heaven Mike is a professional photographer.

The fish with a shrimp hat!
The fish with a shrimp hat!

(See for the full Mike Connolly experience!)

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Suki W.

Friday 16th of January 2015



Friday 16th of January 2015


Veronica M.

Monday 12th of January 2015

Ew! I would have had the same reaction if I saw a half living fish on my plate. It must have been funny to see you panic. How do people get over the fact that they are actually eating something still living. I guess if I grew up with other people liking it maybe I would try it.

Darian I.

Monday 12th of January 2015

I can't believe you ran under the table because the fish was still laughing. Your facial expression was hilarious!

Richie T

Thursday 8th of January 2015

Your reaction to the fish still being alive was hilarious!

Dylan L.

Wednesday 7th of January 2015

Hi Ms. Marshall! It was really funny imagining you jumping under a table to escape Sushi. I hope you enjoyed it! :P

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