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Intro: WHY Do Solo Female Travel Around the World Now?

Testing, testing, tap-tap-tap… Thus begins my first full blown Mama-Kahuna BLOG!

The reason: After 6 years teaching high school English in Boston Public Schools (more on this wonderful time later), I have saved enough dough for a year of ROUND THE WORLD, baby!

Why the heck am I doing something my mother said she’d “no more desire to do than build a raft out of toothpicks and sail across the Atlantic”? Well. Easy! I am doing this for the following well-thought-out, totally logical reasons.

1. “Fish-out-of-Water” –> Strength + Perspective.
Oh Bubble-of-the-Northeast-U.S., we love you with all our hearts, but also with all our hearts, we know there are other ways to experience… all of this. Seems almost rude not to shimmy towards those other understandings.

2. Vulnerability –> Open Heart for Love.
On the bus yesterday, a perfectly nice member of the human race tried to start up a conversation. I mercilessly closed them out. Why? Having lived in New England all my life, I already have a packed larder of fantastic family and friends. Droopy from work, why did I need to expend energy to add one more? But… NO! I don’t want to be closed anymore! Being desperately lonely in the deserts of Abu Dhabi will force me to open up again.

3. Massive Geographical Change –> That Next Stage in Life.
I am 27, and working at school staffed by 99% married women in their 30s means babies have been popping out in my face left, right, and center. What will it take to get me happily to that next stage of life? Clearly, a Round the World ticket.

4. I’m a Writer!
For 6 years I’ve written nothing but lesson plans, three-line Facebook status updates, and gossipy emails, as the majority of my verbal energy was slurped in work. It’s time to actually do this literary thing instead of forcing others to do it for a grade.

5. It’s Time!
I crave to do it, I have worked, organized, schemed, and magic-ed to manifest this happy, happy dream. So now… Huzzah!

I am extremely thankful to all of you who have been so supportive, and I hope that this blog will be an interesting, useful, entertaining exercise that makes you feel GOOD. Please let me know if there are particular things you’d like me to write about, research, or explore. One of my goals is to create a body of work that can help launch a published career, so input is deeply helpful!

With Love and Gratitude,
Lillie (aka: Ms. Marshall)


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Gernell R.

Tuesday 22nd of October 2013

Now I have 5 new reasons to go traveling. Also, I really like your reasoning for going out into the world to travel.


Monday 21st of October 2013

I hope you had a great time traveling. How many countries did you visit? Which country one your favorite?


Monday 21st of October 2013

Here's the full list of everywhere I've visited: . As for favorites... there are too many to list! :)

Isabel S.

Monday 21st of October 2013

I really love to travel too, and I agree with you on all of your reasons. Last year I made a priority to go to each place I really wanted to go to before I…well, die. That means 37 places around the world.

Friday 25th of January 2013

I just finished a RTW and it's one of the best thing I've ever done and one of the greatest things I'll ever do. It's an amazing accomplishment, journey and adventure. I am glad to see more Americans are traveling and having passports. I met a lot of Americans while traveling but it was more rare to see ones who took career breaks to explore. Good on you!! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and stories. Congrats! It's an accomplisment!


Friday 25th of January 2013

Woo hoo! Solidarity!

Herbert Morales

Friday 11th of May 2012

Wow! Scott Brown was here. I can tell you really love to travel to different places. One thing I would like to do in my future is to go around the world like you.

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